

Esto es todo lo que, oficialmente, sucedió fuera de la central, según el correspondiente artículo de la Wikipedia:

"... Blaum, Fleming y Singer mostraron que las personas que vivían cerca del reactor nuclear de Three Mile Island exhibieron altos niveles de estrés después del accidente nuclear que ocurrió allí. También mostraron evidencia de una elevación en los niveles de presión sanguínea, un mayor número de infecciones de las vías respiratorias. Además, los sistemas inmunológicos de estas personas no funcionaban tan bien como deberían..."

Encontrado aquí.

Este artículo está malintencionadamente redactado. Si la fuga afectó a la población cercana a la central nuclear, los efectos no se reducirían a lo expuesto en el artículo, sino que deberían corresponderse con los síntomas propios de la exposición a la radiación ionizante, algunos de los cuales son conocidos por padecerlos quien es sometido a radioterapia, y que los propios afectados de T.M.I. describen así:

“... On Thursday, March 29th, I was working all day with my son in our garage. The garage doors were open. That night when I took a shower, my face, neck and hands looked like I was at the seashore and gotten burned real bad. I felt nauseous. My eyes were red and burning. I felt like I was looking through water. Friday morning when I got out of bed, my lips and nose were blistered and my throat and the inside of my chest felt like they were on fire. It tasted like burning galvanized steel. My son had similar experiences. He was 22 years old at the time. On Friday, we decided to evacuate. While packing our truck, a township police officer in a closed car shouted over his loudspeaker system, ‘Bill, don’t breathe this air. Get inside.’ We spent the first night in Mechanicsburg with relatives. We convinced other family members to go with us and travel to Front Royal, Virginia, on Saturday. We stayed at a campground in Front Royal for about one week. During this time, I experienced severe diarrhea that caused rectal bleeding. We took one of our dogs with us – a German Shepherd female. Following our arrival in Virginia, the dog passed only blood from the rectum and bled from the nose and mouth. When we returned home, we went in the garage first and found our male German Shepherd had died. His eyes were milky white. We had provided about 100 pounds of food and 50 gallons of water. However, he had only drunk water before he died. We had five cats that lived in a box on the back porch. All but one was dead. All the cats had milky white eyes. The one living cat had one eye that was milky white. Skin grew over this eye during the following weeks. This cat lived for about six months after the accident. She had kittens prior to her death. The kittens were born dead and hairless. I should also note that we noted a similar metallic taste when we entered our home after the evacuation. My son and I have both experienced hair loss. Mine was on my head, arms, legs and torso. This hair has regrown. My son has lost his hair on his arms and torso, which also regrew. In 1981, a sore developed on my leg. The sore remained for two years, healing after we moved. The affected area is still detectable with faint discoloration. Also in 1981, my wife was diagnosed as having paroxysmal tachycardia and in 1982, as having an underactive thyroid. I also experienced problems with my heart. In the spring following the accident, our walnut trees did not produce any leaves and there were no walnuts..."


"... My residence is approximately two to three miles southwest of Three Mile Island and is at a high elevation. On Monday evening, April 2, 1979, after returning from West Virginia, where I had evacuated with my family, I worked outside in my camper from approximately 6 until 7 p.m. My family stayed inside. When my wife called me in for supper, my skin was burning. My face, arms and hands were reddened and remained that way for about 12 hours. I noticed a metallic taste and I felt nauseous. I felt funny in the head. I took a shower that evening before going to bed. Since I had a head cold, I went to the doctor’s the next day. I told my doctor about my experiences the previous evening. He read from a book what symptoms are related to radiation exposure. We noted that these symptoms matched what I had experienced; however, the doctor reassured me that nothing had come out of the plant... " 


"... Friday, March 30th, 1979. I was out of bed and decided to shake out a throw rug. I went out to the porch. It sounded as if it was raining. The sound appeared to be in the trees. I could not see any rain so I reached out beyond the porch roof to try to feel it. I did not feel any rain on my hands or arms. I was extremely puzzled. I was impressed by the stillness, except for the sound of rain. There were no sounds of birds or other animals to which we are accustomed..."

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